Monday, September 13, 2010

For Scamming People Out Of Thousands Of Dollars

I just received word that Wade Thompson aka Glen Thompson has been sentenced to nine months in prison for his criminal acts.


  1. Cops have been called here in Toronto..He's going down..He doesn't know who he is messing with..Someone needs to damage his nose so he can't keep using his victims money to shoot up his coke..

    if you see this post Wade your going down!!!

  2. this is his new contact email address

  3. Thanks for providing Wade's new email address. I will post it prominently in a new blog post so that:

    A) his current victims will know about it and thus possibly avoid being scammed

    B) his past victims can send him an email letting him know what they think of him. . .


A non-existent penny for your thoughts about Canadian scammer Wade Thompson. . .