Monday, February 25, 2013

Wade Glen Thompson Ticket Scammer 2013 Comments Thread

It has been over two years since I posted to this blog, because there has been little news to report that cannot be gleaned from reading the numerous comments on the 'Wade Thompson aka Glen Thompson Ticket Scammer Photo' blog post. Suffice it to say that Wade Thompson seems to have "set up business" in Toronto as it were and has been busy scamming people in Toronto since being released from jail in the Yukon. This post is just to provide a new comment thread for 2013 since it seems that the comment thread for the aforementioned post is full. I have been receiving notifications of recent comments submitted to that thread, but the comments are not actually appearing in it and seem to be disappearing into thin cyberspace, so I will be directing people to this new comment thread for any new comments about Wade Thompson's scamming activities in 2013.

I will post another new blog post if there is a significant new development such as if Wade Thompson relocates to another city or if he is once again arrested and charged for his fraudulent sales of non-existent tickets. This is one ticket "scalper" that you really do not want to get "scalped" by, if you catch my drift. . . My advice is to notify the police immediately if Wade Glen Thompson offers to sell you tickets as it is almost certain that he will attempt to take your money without providing the promised tickets.